Unison community spaces are welcoming environments where everyone can seek help and discussion on any Unison-related topic. To ensure that our community remains as friendly and safe as possible, this Code of Conduct documents our rules, values, and expectations.
TL;DR: just be kind. 💖
The members and moderators of Unison community spaces are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexuality, or similar personal characteristic. We do not tolerate harassment or abuse in any form.
As participants of this community we pledge to:
- Be friendly, welcoming, and inclusive.
- Be helpful and patient.
- Give the most accurate and informative technical advice we can.
- Help each other overcome misunderstandings.
- Be respectful and considerate.
- Avoid negative behavior, snark, and insults.
- Avoid offering political opinions, engaging in gossip, or rallying negative sentiment against a particular individual or group.
- Refrain from posting derogatory or offensive content, or language and imagery that is inappropriate in a professional setting.
Everyone can make a valuable contribution to this community. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into personal attacks. It's important to remember that an environment where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one.
Sometimes misunderstandings and conflicts are inevitable, but resist the urge to be defensive or assign blame. Try not to take offense where no offense was intended. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Even if the intent was to provoke, do not rise to it.
We are committed to making participation in this community a harassment-free experience for everyone. As such, moderators reserve the right to remove or reject comments and other assets that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently, with or without warning, any participant for behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Reporting issues and concerns
To report issues of abusive, harassing, threatening, or otherwise unacceptable behavior you can get in touch with the moderators (currently Rebecca Mark, Rúnar Bjarnason, Paul Chiusano, and Arya Irani) by emailing mods@unison.cloud
Moderators are committed to maintaining confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
How We're Evaluating Incidents
We're committed to transparency and accountability in our enforcement of the Code of Conduct.
- Is this a Code of Conduct violation? Is this behavior on our list of inappropriate behavior? Is it borderline inappropriate behavior? Does it violate our community norms?
- Did this occur in a space that is within our Code of Conduct's scope? If the incident occurred outside the community, but a community member's mental health or physical safety may be negatively impacted if no action is taken, the incident may be
in scope. Private conversations in community spaces are also in scope.
- Did this incident occur in a private conversation or in a public space? Incidents that all community members can see will have more negative impact.
- Does this behavior negatively impact a marginalized group in our community? Is the reporter a person from a marginalized group in our community? How is the reporter being negatively impacted by the reported person's behavior? Are members of the marginalized group likely to disengage with the community if no action was taken on this report?
- Does this incident involve a community leader? Community members often look up to community leaders to set the standard of acceptable behavior.
- Does this incident include sexual harassment?
- Does this pose a safety risk? Does the behavior put a person's physical safety at risk? Will this incident severely negatively impact someone's mental health?
- Is there a risk of this behavior being repeated? Does the reported person understand why their behavior was inappropriate? Is there an established pattern of behavior from past reports?
- More on how will we evaluate if a person should be allowed to return to the community or community event.
Reports which involve higher risk or higher impact may face more severe consequences than reports which involve lower risk or lower impact.
This guide is adapted from from https://policies.python.org/python.org/code-of-conduct/Enforcement-Procedures/
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Elm Code of Conduct.