Jun 28, 2023

🎉 Unison Projects are here: collaborate, package, and organize your codebase!

Rebecca Mark

We've got some exciting news to share with you today: included in the M5a release of Unison is our much heralded new feature, Unison projects. The incredible team has been working tirelessly to bring you something that will greatly improve the Unison coding experience.

As a quick refresher, we've been creating projects as the custom Unison solution for a more robust repository and package management system. They form the foundation for a lot of new functionality, such as branch-based workflows, permissions, releases, and dependency management.

We've created a walk-through video to give you a tour of some of the new features:

If you want to learn more about projects, check out our introduction to projects doc.

So create some projects and come talk to us about them in the #libraries channel in the Unison slack. Happy coding! 🌞