Mar 29, 2019

March update

Arya Irani

Hi all — it's been 464 commits since our last update post, and I hardly know where to start...

So, in arbitrary order:

The first Unison Meetup

...went off without a hitch! Join the Boston Unison meetup if you might like to come out to the next one. On Tuesday, about a dozen functional programming and future-of-computing enthusiasts gathered from around the greater Boston area to chat about their development experience, and let us show off our current progress, including:

Actually editing existing code 😅

The edit command writes the text of the specified definition to disk for you to review or update.

I added the definitions to the top of meetup3.u

Once you're satisfied with your changes, you can use the update command to replace an existing definition. (The usual add command won't let you add a definition with an existing name.)

I updated these definitions.


Structured Refactors

Gone are the days where changing a function signature produces a cascade of unhelpful error messages from across your entire project, where fixing one error causes seven more. Unison will support a number of structured refactorings, the first of which is simply: definition replacement.

In this example, I've updated the original sliding function:

sliding : Text -> [Text]

to take an extra width parameter, instead of hard-coding it:

sliding : Nat -> Text -> [Text]
This branch has 3 transitive dependents left to upgrade.

From this output, we can see that this update has three transitive dependents. This is the maximum number of definitions that you could need to audit or update as a result of the change. More importantly, this number only goes down as you work!

Unison will recommend an ordering to your remaining updates, to minimize repeat work. (e.g. You if you updated foo, and bar depends on foo and baz, and baz depends on foo, Unison knows to recommend that you finish up baz before updating foo.)

In my example, I only had to update one dependent to finish. Because I didn't change its type, there was no more manual work to do:

No conflicts or edits in progress.

If I had instead decided to pass the new parameter into similarity as well, Unison knows there's more work to do, and guides me through the rest of that refactor:

This branch has 2 transitive dependents left to upgrade.

For funsies, here are the replacements that Unison recorded:

Edited terms.

A Shiny New Runtime

We've jettisoned the Scala-based runtime and replaced it with a simpler, Haskell-based IR compiler and interpreter. As well as putting us in a better position for optimizations going forward (IR to LLVM, etc.), it's allowed us to incorporate the runtime into the codebase editor, simplifying installation and execution as well. (One build tool, one executable.)

Here we can see it, pretty-printing the result of partially applying a function:

Watch expression for a partially-applied function.

An IO ability

We've added a preliminary IO ability, and are in the process of implementing a native handler for it in the runtime.

We have also added the execute command to the codebase editor, which will evaluate IO expressions, such as your application. Eventually, you'll be able to start your application from the shell as well, by passing command-line arguments.

Hello, world!

A Bytes data type

The IO functions will likely use this eventually!

Bytes demo

Universal comparison

Universal.< : a -> a -> Boolean
Universal.<= : a -> a -> Boolean
Universal.== : a -> a -> Boolean
Universal.> : a -> a -> Boolean
Universal.>= : a -> a -> Boolean : a -> a -> Int

The implementation works for all types, comparing values structurally. Even functions! We will probably do something in the future to give these a more constrained type and get our free theorems back.

At any rate, given:

use Universal ==
foo a b = a Nat.* b
bar x y = x Nat.* y
> 1 == 2
> (5,5) == (5,5)
> foo == bar
> foo 1 == bar 1
> foo 1 == bar 2
> foo 1 < bar 2

we get:

Universal Eq/Ord demo

Not bad!


We've fixed a lot of bugs. 😅 Thank you to the masochistic handful who've been using the tool and reporting them, and special thanks to @noahaasis ( #328 ), @francisdb ( #333, #392 ) , @mrziuban ( #382, #385 ), @benfradet ( #418 ), for their fixes.

Unison-Related Projects

Discovering new Unison projects in the wild has been super gratifying. Here are two:

What's up next?

The most immediate next steps towards the M1 release of the codebase editor include:

More I/O!

File I/O! Network I/O! Concurrency! Universal toString? 🤔

More types of types!

Today, any two Unison types are the same if the (multi)set of their constructor types is the same. We'll be introducing new-types and opaque types.

More Codebase Editor work!

There are so many rough edges, but we'll get them one by one.

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading, and keep the comments coming! Especially, let us know what you need to start your Unison-based project.